Stop Smoking App Android. As soon as you open the app you see options such as money saved, beat an urge, total health, goals achieved, life regained and more. You can get the help you need to quit smoking and can also help others stop too.
It has a quit smoking slowly mode, scientific health statistics, money saved, motivational badges and many more features. This is the stop smoking app that science built. Cessation nation is a new app which tracks how long it's been since you stopped smoking, the amount of money you've saved, cigarettes not smoked, and health improvements.
With over 1 million users who have downloaded this app as a step towards a new life, this app proven to be a huge success.
Stop smoking app for android december 28, 2017 2:59 pm subscribe. I rarely smoke a full cigarette in one sitting and i. The app tracks milestones throughout the quitting process, such as. As time passes, you will know how much you have saved and earn badges for achieving milestones.