Honey Discount App Phone. With thousands of vendors in its database, including national restaurant chains and travel booking platforms, honey makes it incredibly easy to save. I'm not a huge fan of paypal and tech acquisitions don't always go smoothly, but everything has stayed the same so far.
Honey is available for all major browsers (except edge and internet explorer), and there's no charge to use it. How is the honey smart shopping assistant app different from the honey extension? Defiantly has a great rewards system.
Listed above you'll find some of the best honey coupons, discounts and promotion codes as ranked by the users of retailmenot.com.
How is the honey smart shopping assistant app different from the honey extension? I'm not a huge fan of paypal and tech acquisitions don't always go smoothly, but everything has stayed the same so far. I'd rather not have a potentially analytical plugin attached to my browser at all times just so i can save a click when i order a dominos. The honey app for the iphone or ipad seems glitchy.