Honey App Reviews 2020. It accomplishes this task in a number of ways, but honey is best. Honey is an app that can save you money by automatically search and apply coupon codes for thousands of online stores.
To accept, please click accept or keep using the site. Users can also share urls. Honey makes money when a member uses the app or extension to find the best available coupons or to activate the honey gold rewards program.
The honey app is completely free for us to use, because honey earns a small commission from the stores they partner with at certain times when a member makes a purchase.
Currently, there are over 10 million people using honey. Honey has a phone app now, but it's not ready for primetime. So before you knew about the honey app, you were probably opening 35 tabs searching for coupons and promo codes every time you saw the ‘’do you have a coupon code?’’ prompt at checkout while shopping online. Once you see something you like, we’ll open the store’s site right in the app.