Ebay Seller Approved Return. In cases where the item they’ve received is the wrong one or doesn’t match the description, doesn’t seem authentic, or is damaged or missing parts, the seller is responsible for return postage costs. The seller will also pay for return shipping.
You must return items in their original packaging and in the same condition as when you received them. If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn't. Even though you accurately described and warned me about the defect in the listing and of course ebay sides with him and forces a return.
The buyer requested a return, and you (the seller) has three days to approve and pay for return shipping, otherwise ebay will close the case in the buyer's favor. the buyer gets a full refund and keeps my item.
Once approved, make sure you post the original item back to the seller within 10 business days of starting your return request. Ebay's policy today (2016) is that if something isn't as described, the seller pays for return shipping, regardless of any policy claims by the seller in his listing. Sometimes, ebay does not ask the buyer to send back the item but may still refund them the cost of the item and seek reimbursement from the You must return items in their original packaging and in the same condition as when you received them.